Let's change the theme for your Wowonder Social
- Login to you site root and download the wowonder theme located inside the themes folder e g: YourRoot/themes/wowonder
- Download the entire wowonder folder
- Now change this folder name to something else
- e.g MyNewThemeName
- Inside this folder there is a file called info.php
E.g: themes/wowonder/info.php
Open this file with your favorite code editor
Look for
$themeName = 'WoWonder';
$themeFolder = 'wowonder';
$themeAuthor = 'Deen Doughouz';
$themeAuthorUrl = 'mailto:wowondersocial@gmail.com';
$themeVirsion = '2.5';
$themeImg = $themeFolder . '/themeLogo.png';
and make the changes with your new theme name like this
$themeName = 'MyNewTheme';
$themeFolder = 'mynewthemefoldername';
$themeAuthor = 'Your Name';
$themeAuthorUrl = 'mailto:youemail@gmail.com';
$themeVirsion = '2.5';
$themeImg = $themeFolder . '/themeLogo.png';
Now save this file. If you like the thumb to be updated and create your own thumb and name it themeLogo.png, note: the name must be themeLogo.pho because it is set like that in the info.php file. If you change the image name you must also change it in the info.php file.
That it. Now you can upload this new named theme back to the site root/themes/ folder.
Visit your admin area and activate the new theme.